
PHP library



Use Clickatell’s PHP library with our HTTP or REST messaging APIs to interact with the Clickatell SMS Gateway.

Get PHP library

When to use this

Used by web-based clients to send SMS alerts and notifications. After signing up, use this PHP library to include in your project.


This library uses composer and can be acquired using the following in your composer.json file.

    "require": {



The library currently supports the ClickatellHttp and ClickatellRest adapters.

use Clickatell\Api\ClickatellHttp;
$clickatell new ClickatellHttp($username$password$apiID);
$response $clickatell->sendMessage(array(1111111111), "My Message");
foreach ($response as $message) {
    echo $message->id;
    // Message response fields:
    // $message->id
    // $message->destination
    // $message->error
    // $message->errorCode


use Clickatell\Api\ClickatellRest;
$clickatell new ClickatellRest($token);
$response $clickatell->sendMessage(array(1111111111), "My Message");
foreach ($response as $message) {
    echo $message->id;
    // Message response fields:
    // $message->id
    // $message->destination
    // $message->error
    // $message->errorCode


Sending to multiple numbers

The sendMessage call to parameter can take an array of numbers. If you specify only a single number e.g.:

$clickatell->sendMessage(1111111111, "Message")

the library will automatically convert it to an array for your convenience.


Supported API calls

The available calls are defined in the Clickatell\TransportInterface interface.

public function sendMessage($to$message$extra array());
public function getBalance();
public function stopMessage($apiMsgId);
public function queryMessage($apiMsgId);
public function routeCoverage($msisdn);
public function getMessageCharge($apiMsgId);



The library comes with a ClickatellEvent class that is a wrapper for any of the other transports. This class can assist you with debugging or logging API interactions.

This class uses the Proxy Pattern.

use Clickatell\Api\ClickatellHttp;
use Clickatell\ClickatellEvent;
use Clickatellvent;
$clickatell new ClickatellHttp($username$password$apiID);
$event new ClickatellEvent($clickatell);
$event->onRequest(function ($event$args) {
    // The parameters in the event object depend on the type of event.
    // The event constants are available in the Clickatellvent class.
$event->onResponse(function ($event$obj) {
// The $obj variable is the same as the response you would get back. So
// in the case of sendMessage it will be an array of message responses.
$event->sendMessage(array(1111111111), "My Message");


Dealing with extra parameters in sendMessage

For usability purposes the sendMessage call focuses on the recipients and the content. In order to specify any of the additional parameters defined in the Clickatell document, you can use the extra parameter and pass them as an array.


You can listen to Clickatell callbacks by using the Callback::parseCallback(); function. It’s a helper function to make sure the required parameters are included in the $_GET array.

Parameters: apiMsgId, cliMsgId, to, timestamp, from, status, charge


use Clickatell\Callback;
Callback::parseCallback(function ($values) {
    // var_dump($values);
    // Contains: apiMsgId, cliMsgId, to, timestamp, from, status, charge


OTP/Two-Factor Authentication

The library has built-in support for sending OTPs (One Time Pins) to verify the identity of a user. This is helpful as a second step during authentication or to validate that the person you are interacting with is a real entity.

use Clickatell\Otp\SessionStorage;
use Clickatell\Otp\ClickatellOtp;
use Clickatell\Api\Rest;
// Define the OTP storage mechanism. Passing "true" means
// a new session will forcibly started.
$storage new SessionStorage(true);
$api new Rest([token]);
$otp new ClickatellOtp($api$storage);
$otp->setMessage("My custom OTP message. OTP here %s"); // The %s will be replaced with the token.
$otp->sendPin([number]); // Passing a second argument will assign a unique reference to the token.
// If you passed a second argument while sending the pin, you must now pass it as a third argument.
// The token is the pin you received via SMS. This step is usually done on a form submit.
$return $otp->verifyPin([number], [token]);
// $return = true OR false


Symfony Bundle

In order to start using the bundle, you first need to register it within your AppKernel.php

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles array(
            new Clickatell\Symfony\ClickatellBundle()
        return $bundles;


You also need to specify your Clickatell credentials in your application config. In this example, YAML is used.

    class: Clickatell\Api\ClickatellHttp
    arguments: [ "username", "password", "api_id" ]


The ‘class’ parameter

The class parameter can be any class that inherits from Clickatell\Clickatell. The default value for this is Clickatell\Api\ClickatellHttp.

The ‘arguments’ parameter

This parameter will be the constructor arguments for your class. What you specify here will depend on what your class takes as constructor arguments.

  • The Clickatell\Api\ClickatellRest class takes one argument – your API token (issued by Clickatell)
  • The Clickatell\Api\ClickatellHttp class takes three arguments – your username, password and API ID (issued by Clickatell)

The bundle usage

Once you have configured the component, you can utilize it in your controllers as shown below: 

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function indexAction()
        $clickatell $this->get('clickatell');
        $response $clickatell->sendMessage(["number""number2"], "My Text Message");


You can see our other libraries and more documentation at the Clickatell APIs and Libraries Project.

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