


Use Clickatell’s C# script library with our HTTP or REST messaging APIs to interact with the Clickatell SMS Gateway. The C# script below allows you to send one- or two-way SMS messages using Clickatell’s SMS Platform.

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  • This script is built with .NETFramework 4.5.2
  • Newtonsoft.JSON 9.0.1
  • Add Rest.cs and API.cs into your project from the Scripts folder
  • Add the Newtonsoft.JSON package to your project or the newtonsoft.json.dll file to your project

Using the class

You call the class by using:

private string response;
private string api;
Dictionary<stringstring> Params = new Dictionary<stringstring>();
response = Api.SendSMS(api, Params);


  • api is your API key given to you on the platform
  • Params is a dictionary of the parameters to send with the SMS

Required parameters
  • to: the telephone number you are sending the SMS to including the country code (must start with ‘+’)
  • content: the SMS message that must be sent

A full list of parameters can be found here.

You can add the parameters to the dictionary by using the following code:

Params.Add("content""this is a message");

To add more than one number to send the message to multiple recipients, comma delimit the numbers:


Once the SMS is sent, it will return a response in the form of a JSON array. The JSON array will include an array of messages that each in turn contains:

  • An API Message ID
  • Whether the message was accepted or not (true/false)
  • The number it was sent to
  • An error message if applicable (see link below to error messages)

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