
External Link Handler API

In this short tutorial, we introduce you to the External Link Handler API and how to utilize it in conjunction with the workflow you designed in Chat Flow.

Why use this API?

The External Link Handler API allows you to direct an end-user to an external web page from within a Chat Flow conversation and then return to the Chat Flow conversation with optional additional data gathered from the external web page. The end-user can then continue with the conversational workflow according to the steps defined in Chat Flow.

When to use this API

This API is used in conjunction with the External Link node – one of the many user-facing interaction nodes you can use when setting up a conversational workflow in Chat Flow. The External Link node in conjunction with the External Link Handler API allows you to call an external web URL and in turn, allows the URL to return a single variable result to your workflow.

Some typical use cases include:

  • Directing end-users to visit a website to read terms and conditions or to complete a survey on their experience.
  • Creating an out-of-band authentication module using a web URL.
  • Handing over end-user communication to another channel triggered via a web URL (e.g. a web-based chat or VOIP call into an IVR).
Getting started with the External Link Handler API

  1. Design your conversational workflow on the Chat Flow user interface and add an External Link user-facing interaction node.
  2. Add the /callback endpoint into the website back-end script. This endpoint handles the return call from an external service, takes in a response and any additional information, and then continues the conversation with the end-user. Ensure that what your system passes back as the result matches what you have constructed in Chat Flow, especially the results specified in the ‘Logic‘ section of the External Link node.

Note: JavaScript is not supported for this callback endpoint.




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