
What are WhatsApp template messages?

A WhatsApp message template is used to send an outbound, business-initiated message to a customer. If your business wants to initiate a conversation with a customer for the first time or more than 24 hours after the customer last messaged the business, it is required to use a message template.
All message templates must be approved by WhatsApp before they can be sent to customers. Templates can only be sent to customers who have opted in and given you permission to send them messages.

A WhatsApp message template is a special type of message available to businesses to use for sending notification-type messages to consumers. Businesses can register content for their most commonly used messages and simply send the relevant variable parameters instead of recreating the entire message during the API call each time it is used. 

For the consumers who receive a notification message from your verified business for the first time and do not have the business saved as a contact in their phone book, the WhatsApp application will recognize the registered template and display the message without any warnings. This will reduce the likelihood of your messages being marked as spam by the consumer. 

For more information about templates, see our WhatsApp User Guide.  


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