
How do I receive a status update for messages sent via WhatsApp from my business to a consumer?

During the setup of your WhatsApp integration, you’ll be able to define the method as well as the destination for where Clickatell will send callbacks for message status changes. The callbacks may arrive in a different order to which they were sent, but a timestamp is included with each. 

To set/update this callback, navigate to My Workspace –> API Integrations in your Clickatell portal, select the relevant integration from the table, and click on the ‘API settings’ section. 

Below are the most commonly used WhatsApp status messages: 

  • sent – the message was received by the server 
  • delivered – the message was delivered to the recipient’s device 
  • read – the message was read by the user 
  • failed – the message failed to send 

Also see here for a complete list of message statuses.  



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